Wednesday, May 02, 2007


May 13th, 2007 is Mother's Day!! well, it's the day people take time out to thank their mom's for all that she has done for them in the past. but do u think it's fair that you have only that one day designated to thank them for all that they have given you? according to me(ok i know, who is asking me:)) but i would still like to add my 2 cents, as in everything), mom's should be thanked every single day, every day should be their day!! i am sure loads of people out there will agree with me....

this is the first year that i am not with my mom on mother's day. usually, we both go out to lunch, i make tea for her in the mornin, try not to argue with her, cos it's her day!! when i landed in the US the other day, i was like "i am not even missing home". but the reaction set in yesterday. and the first thing i wanted to do was pick up the phone and talk to Ma...and was i glad to hear her voice. like she says, one of these days i am gonna feel so homesick, that i am gonna sit and cry myself dry, and screech "i want my ma ma". R has been so proud of me for not crying all these days, i wonder what he'll do when this, waiting to see (sadist that i am :)). anyways, getting back to mom, she has been my support, my backbone these past few years after my dad passed on. i really don't know how i would have coped without her. sure we have our issues, but we usually work around them... to me, Ma has been a friend, my dad, my sister, my ally, my confidante, my pal, my sooo many things(if that makes sense, lol) and ofcourse my Mom and i sure know am going to miss her oodles and oodles.

recently, the day before my wedding, i had a massive fight with her. i said some hurtful things,which i shouldn't have. it hurt her really bad. it was put down to all the tension and nerves flying around. well ma, if u r reading this post, it was just that and nothing else. i didn't mean what i said....i love you lots and lots and am soooo missing you!!
here's to my mom, my friend.....

have a wonderful "Mother's Year" ahead ma....muah:)

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